Couples Therapy
If you are seeking couples therapy Anita can assist you and your partner to either repair, rebuild, restore and renew your relationship. Or it might be that you are going through a separation or a divorce and need mediation or assistance in making this as amicable as possible between the two of you.
Additionally, seeking couples therapy may not mean you are having difficulties it could mean you both are adjusting to a new situation or challenges in your life and may choose to access therapy to help strengthen your already strong relationship.
Whatever your need these are some ways that therapy may assist you if you decide to invest yourselves in the therapy process:
Adjustment issues
Communication difficulties
Difference in opinions, values, beliefs
Emotional difficulties
Empty nest
Feeling disconnected
Financial stresses
Friendship difficulties
Future concerns
Grief and loss
Growing apart
Health concerns
In law problems
Lost your spark
Mental health issues
Parenting issues
Physical intimacy issues
Spirituality difficulties
Trust issues
Unfulfilled relationship
With any condition or challenge you are currently facing in your relationship Anita will work with you both together as a couple using the Gottman method, an evidence-based treatment to reach the goals you both are wanting to achieve. Anita is a client-centred therapist who works collaboratively with you as a couple to individualise your couple therapy plan whether it is couple or individual therapy sessions or half day/full day or weekend retreats.
You may wish to request a copy of the Couples Therapy Option Packages that Anita offers or design your own with Anita’s assistance.
Book an Appointment.
Phone: 07 4646 2528
Fax: 07 4549 3993
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